Why I am taking a sabbatical when the midgets are teenagers
Bunny: Did you know Zoey 101 is pregnant?
Dude: What's pregnant?
Bunny: That means she is going to have a baby. She's only 16 years old!
Dude: How does a 16 year old get pregnant?
Bunny: I dunno.
Dude: Mommy do 16 year olds have babies?
Me: Yeah, sometimes but it's not a good idea. That means she didn't listen to her parents. Zoey 101 is baaaaad!
Bunny: Bad like when I put purple nail polish on my who-ha?
Dude: Bad like when I pooped my pants and hid them in the dresser?
Me: No, bad like if you two ever do it I'll kick your a**es!
Dude: Mommy said a**!
Bunny: If you can say a** why can't I say a**? The same reason I can't say f@ck?
Dude: You said f@ck!
Me: Enough! Saying f@ck and a** are bad and so is having a baby when you are 16! No more baby a** f@ck talk. Now we're playing the quiet game until we get home!
Dude: F@ck!
Bunny: A**!
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