Tuesday, July 14, 2009

so i am wanting to start a mankato magazine.  i need help.  anyone?
so hubby joined a new band.  let me rephrase that, hubby joined ANOTHER band.  i have informed him that i do approve and he will receive all of my wiferly support but if i ever-i mean EVER!!! have to ask for a back-rub again he shall find his bass securely positioned up his rear.  yeah for hubby though, the guys in the band are awesome, their music is amazing and hubby is happy.  viva captain eleven!!!
this amanda girl that writes, and i do use that term loosely, for the free press is utterly ridiculous.  didn't like her then, don't like her now.  one day soon my friend our paths will cross and it will not be pretty. well, i will be pretty and you shall be demolished.