Wednesday, October 29, 2008

jesus, mary and jose i think that satan has surely taken over hollywood!

so today i heard that one of my all-time favorite 80's flicks is going to be made over. what is with all of this making-over crap, have we totally exhausted all original thought? are they going to just keep on remaking movies every twenty years or so until we are all living in a constant state of cinematic deja vu? so anyway, apparently the fully waxed man-child zack efron is going to reprise the role of ren. i mean really? does kevin bacon need to be redone? can anyone dance on a tractor like mr six degrees? any kind of modernization of footloose is down right blasphemy. this boy, although he does have a prudy hot little body, but considering he is closer in age to my son than myself, I FEEL DIRTY (and that takes a lot so..) should not even be allowed to be mentioned in the same breath as kevin bacon. he is just one of the mass-produced over-managed soon to burn out child stars that disney is busy pimping out at every turn. and so, dear hollywood, please leave my childhood alone!!

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